
Asia Forum 2023

At UrbanShift's first forum, over 250 leaders from cities across India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Jordan and China came together to identify urban challenges, collaborate on solutions, and connect around shared goals.

date & time
25 Sep 2023, 12:00PM UTC
hosted by
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
New Delhi, India

New Delhi, India. Laurentiu Morariu / Unsplash.

The UrbanShift Asia Forum took place in New Delhi from September 25-28, 2023, bringing together approximately 250 participants from cities in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Jordan and China. At the forum, senior political and technical representatives from UrbanShift cities meet with international organizations, financial institutions, businesses and NGOs to exchange knowledge on regional urban challenges and replicable solutions. Participants also explore innovative ways of financing their climate projects and present ideas to a curated audience of investors.

Download a one-pager explaining the goals and activities of UrbanShift Forums (available in English, Indonesian Bahasa and Mandarin)

As UrbanShift's flagship event in Asia, the key objective of this forum was to provide training and capacity-building to regional cities on various facets of integrated and sustainable urban development. City representatives presented their current plans and initiatives to their peers for feedback and collaboration and engaged in in-depth discussions with sector experts.

The Asia Forum consisted of: 

Download the Asia Forum agenda

If you have any questions, please email us at

India Gate, New Delhi
India Gate, New Delhi. Saurabh Jumar / Pexels.

See photos from the UrbanShift Asia Forum on Flickr