First National Dialogue for Argentina

33 participants from across Argentina came together to identify alignments and next steps around UrbanShift project implementation.

date & time
13 Dec 2022, 2:00PM UTC
Salta, Argentina
Buenos Aires

The first National-Local dialogue, hosted by UrbanShift and supported by the Argentinian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MAyDS), laid a strong foundation for future actions aimed at tackling climate change and advancing urban sustainability.

The outcomes of this initial dialogue guides the next steps in the project's implementation. The alignment identified among various sectors and government levels enhances coordination and accelerates local development priorities. Key areas of focus included integrated urban planning and energy efficiency, which will be crucial for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals.

Future efforts will involve continued collaboration among the cities of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Salta, and Ushuaia, as well as national ministries, financial institutions, and academic partners. These stakeholders will build on the actionable steps and alignments that will be discussed during the dialogue to advance project initiatives. Enhanced communication and coordination between different government levels and sectors will ensure cohesive action towards urban sustainability goals.