Peer Exchange

Applying Nature Based Solutions in Cities: A peer exchange between cities in Asia and Latin America

In this peer exchange, cities from China and Indonesia will visit São Paulo to learn from the city's approach to integrating nature into urban infrastructure.

date & time
18 Jun 2024, 12:00PM UTC
São Paulo

Nature-based solutions and green infrastructure provide cost-effective and resource-efficient approaches that increase a city's capacity to respond to disasters and shocks. In this peer exchange, Chengdu city, and an Indonesian city will be hosted by the City of São Paulo to discuss challenges and solutions to integrate nature in urban infrastructure. The two day exchange will provide an opportunity for cities to gain expert advice on solutions, learn from each on successful project implementation and visit some inspiring sites in the city of Sao Paulo. 

The peer exchange will be hosted in the same week as the ICLEI World Congress 2024, thus giving participants the added opportunity to participate in the congress activities and discussions.