UrbanShift at CBD COP16: From Setbacks to Solutions—How Cities Lead on Biodiversity
Drawing from the experiences of GEF cities, including under UrbanShift, and GenerationRestoration cities, this event focused on how cities are taking transformative action to address their challenges and navigating around roadblocks to change.
AFP/Joaquin Sarmiento
Urban areas cover just 3% of Earth’s surface but house over half the population. By 2050, 68% of people will live in cities. As cities expand, they take land from agriculture and other ecosystems, intensifying pressure on natural resources. While cities are the main contributors to the triple planetary crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution, they are also where the solutions lie to address them in an integrated manner. GEF/UrbanShift and GenerationRestoration cities are leading the way and demonstrating concrete approaches to implementing Target 12 of the Global Biodiversity Framework on “enhancing green spaces and urban planning for human well-being and biodiversity," but the road has not always been easy.
This event focused on how cities are taking transformative action to address their challenges, and how they have navigated the roadblocks to progress that they've encountered. Building on the experience of GEF and GenerationRestoration cities, the event triggered honest, action-oriented discussion on challenges—anticipated or not—and what actions can help correct course and increase financing flows for urban nature.
Welcoming and introduction
Sharon Gil, Programme Management Officer, and Cities Lead, UNEP
Setting the scene and reflections on GBF Target 12 implementation challenges from UrbanShift experience
Gregor Robertson, Special Envoy for Cities in CHAMP and Mayors4Climate Global Ambassador, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM)
Laura Bulbena Janer, Manager, Cities4Forests, WRI Colombia
Panel discussion
Moderation: Kobie Brand, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI, and Regional Director, ICLEI Africa Secretariat
AP Diaz, Superintendent for Parks and Recreation, City of Seattle, USA
Sebastian Fermani, Secretary of Environment and Development, Mendoza, Argentina
Liezl de Villiers, Divisional Manager: Environmental Management and Conservation, Overstrand, South Africa
Red Avelino, Head, Parks Department, Quezon City, Philippines
Aloke Barnwal, Thematic Lead- Urban and Infrastructure, Global Environment Facility

UNEA-6 Cites and Regions Summit
This Summit convened critical discussions around multi-level governance and urban finance in support of effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

UrbanShift at World Forum on Urban Forests: Leveraging urban biodiversity & forests to create inclusive and equitable cities
This session, held during the World Forum on Urban Forests, will bring together leaders to discuss their experience in creating sustainable and resilient cities through urban nature-based solutions.

This workshop convened representatives from the cities of Marrakech, Agadir, Beni Mellal, Rabat and Tangier, the national government and other stakeholders to prioritize greenspace expansion and biodiversity conservation in Marrakech.

Local Climate Action at the Forefront: How the UNEA-6 Cities & Regions Summit Elevated the Needs and Potential of Subnational Governments
During this Summit, mayors and regional leaders sounded a powerful call for innovation and collaboration to support and finance climate action on the ground.