
Finaning NBS

Financing NatureBased Solutions for Adaptation at Scale: Learning from Specialised Investment Managers and Nature Funds

This report reviews global nature finance to map pathways for Bangladesh, focusing on overcoming barriers like NbS novelty, local specifics, low returns, complex benefits, and policy shortcomings to build private markets for adaptation.

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Unlocking substantial funding for effective nature-based solutions (NbS) is crucial for combating climate change and fostering sustainable development. NbS, integral to adaptation, offers multidimensional benefits for climate mitigation, resilience, livelihoods, and biodiversity. UNEP estimates a need for approximately $11tn investment in NbS by 2050, requiring a drastic increase from current levels. This report, a result of the "Global Tools to Unlock Capital for Investments in Nature-Based Solutions" project by the Global Center on Adaptation and the Environmental Change Institute, analyzes global nature finance to guide the scaling of financing for NbS in Bangladesh. The focus is on overcoming barriers and exploring opportunities to mobilize private finance, recognizing the vital role of public finance in this endeavor.