Case Study

Lagos, Nigeria: Climate Change Action Plan & Private Sector Partnership
Model: Non-Commercial Convening
In 2020, Lagos launched its second five-year Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2020-2025. Lagos has taken a proactive approach to engaging with the private sector, both in the development and implementation of its CAP.
Exploring Sustainability in Shenzhen: An Exchange on City-Business Cooperation
Shenzen is a leader in nature-positive, low-carbon development. This UrbanShift Peer-to-Peer Exchange highlighted ideas for how cities across Asia can learn from their innovation.

Toward Sustainable Cities: Transit-Oriented Growth and Green Bonds in India's Urban Transformation
The UrbanShift India National-Local Dialogue, led by ICLEI South Asia, explored how sustainable infrastructure, Transit-Oriented Development, and innovative financing can shape resilient urban growth in India's rapidly expanding cities.

Revolutionizing Cities for a Greener, Low-Carbon Future
The first UrbanShift National-Local Dialogue in China, led by ICLEI East Asia, focused on integrating biodiversity and low-carbon strategies into urban planning.

How Cities can Support Workers in Extreme Heat
Cities can play an important role in ensuring decent conditions for vulnerable workers, protecting them from the effects of extreme heat and promoting the right to healthy and safe workplaces. Here’s how cities can get started.